Look Here Math Class :)

Be one of the first in your class to tell me the answer to the riddle or question and you might win a prize!

Check Back–Coming Soon!

Good luck!

111 thoughts on “Look Here Math Class :)

  1. hi mr.book. yaaa i came to ur website. Finally! yaaaa……. ok lets get to the point the only reson i came here was to get a candy….soooo can i have one now!?:D

  2. wow you guys so mean this guy probably has to pay each month for this website and well just to be on it for candy thats really selfish and rude id come on only if you were trying to help your grade or something like that

  3. yaaa 🙂 sam me too but i didnt get any yet 😦 im going to go to mr.book and be all like “wow wat a rip off i still dont have my candy! how do u live with yourself!?” 😀 its gonig to be funny 🙂 ( i think :l)

  4. WHAT IS DIVERSITY!!!???? MR.WHITAKER Y SUCH HARD QUESTIONS?! 😦 Y!!!!! 😦 (fellow students plaese feel free to leave the answer thank you 🙂 )

  5. guess what! im writing a storie! it’s called, “Fang” and its about this super demistocated cat and he meets this dog that has this very specail secret that really twists things. Hope i can actually post it! 🙂

  6. You people are wierd why do you come here to leave random comments. You should be more like me and come here just for the free candy and not write these nonsense remarks…..anyway…… Thanks for the gum mr. book ps if you read this before monday…wait nevermind ill just wait until monday to tell you!! BYE! well not really bye because ill be back on here for more candy so ta-ta for now haha jk that was lame… you know what bye works…soooo….BYE!

    I’m phsyco! 😛

  7. gee thanks sam fer call’n me a weirdo! Jk everyone is weird, like for example if the school made a club for weird people then the whole school would be in that club… espacailly me!! I) but i think that was prtty lame to try and make a book that makes absolutly no sense at all! ID

  8. try to find the Q

    this is random!!!:D

  9. i have a riddle. if a hen and a half lays an egg and a half and that egg and a half hatches into a rooster and a half and that rooster and a half to lay a hardware store ontop of a brass door knob


  10. I drew the picture for your son!!! I finished it after studying for your quiz tomorrow… It looks good I can’t wait to show you tomorrow:)

    • Good, i’m very excited for track!!! I think it’s going to be a great year for track:) me and natalie our going to work our rearends off!!!

  11. Post a comment below if you only come on here for free candy. I wanted to see how many people there actually are. 🙂

  12. OMG I HAVE NOT BEEN HERE IN FOREVES… its so weird… how did i end up in a seventh grade site anyways? lol oh well i like our little chat sessions… HI MR BOOK!!!!

  13. Dear Mr.Book the answer to -5-(-7)= -2 right? If not let me know, I am trying to answer a question on Khan for a kid.

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